If you're a returning user, please sign in to load your previously entered data.

1. Your name

2. Nickname

3. Sex

3a. Do you wear hijab?

4. Date of Birth

5. What ZIP code you live in?

6. Smoke & drink

Do you smoke, vape, hookah, drink, or similar?

7. Prayers

8. Active in mosque

Praying or any other activities.

9. Mazhab, school, sect

10. Ethnicity

Select up to 2.

11. Languages you speak

Select up to 5.

12. How long have you been in the USA?

13. Activities

Select up to 10.

14. Special interests

Please type your special interest such as vegan, astronomy, dogs, volunteer, crosswords, cooking, etc.

15. Education level

16. Occupation

17. Type something about you

Anything that you would like to share about yourself such as values, or interests. It is optional, but highly recommended as it helps with finding someone that shares the same values and interests.

18. Marital status

19. Do you have any kids?

19a. Kids detail

How many and old? Do they live with you, their other parent, or shared custody?

20. Phone

21. Email

Email exists in database. You might want to sign in.

22. Preferred method of contact

23. Best time to contact you

24. Photo


    25. Height

    26. Build

    27. Description

    Hair, weight, eye color, or anything else you'd like to share about your physical description.

    Resident of

    For how long?

    Previous residence(s)

    Place of birth

    Parent's place of birth


    28. Looking for a female age

    28a. Should she wear a hijab?

    29. Location preference

    30. Smoke & drink?

    Prefer someone who smoke, vape, hookah, drink, or similar?

    31. Prayers

    32. Her mosque activites?

    Praying or any other activities.

    33. Her mazhab, school, sect

    34. Her ethnicity

    35. Spoken languages

    36. How long in the USA?

    37. Her activities

    38. Her education

    39. Her marital status

    40. Should she has kids?

    41. Her height

    42. Her build

    43. Her citizenship

    44. Your other preference

    Let us know about other preferences such as how observant to the 5 pillars should she be, etc.

    ©2022 v1.12.205